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The primary purpose of the enclosure is to provide attenuation of the noise generated by the equipment and the associated ventilation systems to the acceptable levels. Also, the enclosure fulfills the following functions:

  • Protects personnel from high temperature, explosion, and fire risks

  • Provides weather protection for the equipment

  • Contains firefighting medium and heating systems

  • Provides proper cooling and ventilation with the ventilation system

Exceed Company Standards With IPS

A properly functioning enclosure is paramount to the effectiveness and safety of your entire ventilation system. With our service, your gas turbine enclosure will meet or surpass local safety codes, international regulations, and internal company standards.

Our varied backgrounds with GT enclosure repair, GT enclosure refurbishment, GT enclosure upgrade, and GT enclosure installation means no system is off limits—we can find a solution for you. We have experience with full enclosure and enclosure parts like doors, panels, frames, and more.

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